******LET IT BE KNOWN******

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


So this past weekend I was back home in the suburbs of Boston enjoying a weekend with family and friends. Sounds good right? Saturday was a perfect day...High 60's/low 70's, not a cloud in the sky....it was fuckin' gorgeous. Not to mention the Dunkin' Donuts coffee I had in my hand....it truly couldn't have been any better... that is until my little sister comes down in her baseball uniform so we could go watch her play in her first game of the season.

Now I consider myself a great brother...an amazing brother. I love my little sister more than anything and would no doubt do anything for her, but as she stood in front of me wearing a New York Mets uniform I had a mini stroke and a little puke came up in to my mouth. My first reaction was to make fun of her for wearing a Mets shirt. My second reaction was to hate her. As the blood began to rush back to my brain I gained composure and realized that this was my little sister and I can't be rude to her. So of course I did my best to pretend like nothing was wrong...it was easy, I just didn't make direct eye contact with her. No big deal. After all ... it's just a little league shirt right?

Well needless to say I found myself rooting for the other team as I watched her game. I thought about sabotaging the Mets, but the parents sitting on the side line looked tough and I was not in the mood to fight. Clapping for the Mets was to say the least very difficult. I mean the Mets. Not that they are good or a threat at all, but they are from New York and well...need I say more. There's my sister...standing in the OF in full Met's gear....I guess I should be happy it wasn't a Yankees shirt. However, that would be impossible since the good folks at little league HQ decided that there would be no NY Yankees team, which I might add was a wise and honorable decision.

So I am still struggling with the fact that my little sister will be wearing this Mets shirt all season, but I do take comfort in the fact that she told me after the game she still loves the Red Sox.

Am I a bad brother because I would be fine with my sister's team losing every game this year?


Anonymous said...

No, you are not a bad brother, just an honest one.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

No, you are not a bad brother, just an honest one.

May 2, 2008 4:11 PM

Fuck you.

Anonymous said...

This blog is waste of space on blogger dot com. The only folks interested in this load of crap are caucasian males and probably their twat companions who are from the affluant white suburbs of that cock-sucka's town, Bahstan.


Kevin said...

well, that response is nothing if not thoughtful.

While I'm not much down with the Yanks for obvious reasons, I really bear no ill-will towards the Mets. If only because they're one of the few fan bases that hate the Yankees on par with Sox fans.