Could there be anything more absolutely fucking obnoxious and just plain rude than the way people talk on their cell phones?
Holy shit...Keep your voice down you FAT BITCH!
Could there be anything more absolutely fucking obnoxious and just plain rude than the way people talk on their cell phones?
Holy shit...Keep your voice down you FAT BITCH!

Can't she see that I, like the 7 other patrons at this shitty sandwich shop are trying to eat our shitty lunch and enjoy our shitty break from our shitty job? Is it too much to ask that I eat my food in peace?
Apparently it is. Apparently Hungry Hungry Hippo, who by the way couldn't have shovelled that sandwich down her fat throat any faster, has her own agenda today and feels like making me privy to her oh so exciting life...whether I like it or not.
At first I thought she was talking to herself and wondered if perhaps she was a bit crazy. Being a very compassionate guy, specifically to people suffering from mental disease, I said to myself..."OK. If she's crazy then I won't be upset. It's a sad thing. Not a big deal." But just then, as I was about to hate myself for thinking such bad thoughts about a mentally disabled person, I saw that she was talking on her cell phone. Please note, that had this been a normal sized person the cell phone would have been easily recognizable instantly, but at her great size, this Sasquatches hands made the cell phone appear to be but a crumb on her bulbous fingers. It looked like a single raisin in a loaf of bread. After throwing up in my mouth...I gained composure and listen to the beast tell her story for the next thirty minutes.

Now here is what gets me...Does she not know that I can hear her? Or does she just not give a shit?
The answer to that is very important. If she doesn't know I can hear her than she is retarded, and making fun of a retarded person as mentioned earlier is never right. BUT, for the odd chance that she is not a silly little bastard, and she just could care less about other people....well then I have a problem...and she and everyone else like her can go fuck themselves!
I need to hear your whole fucking life story? Mine isn't good enough?
After reading this I would hope you are not only more aware of where and how loud you speak on your cell phone, but also about how others do so. Don't be a follower...just because some people are assholes doesn't mean that you have to be.
Start a revolution!
I couldn't agree with you more!
And pretty soon that fat person is going to sit next to you on a plane (you will of course be in the middle) with her equally fat counterpart and they are going to yell into their phone (and incidentily your ears) as they monopolize the armrests.
Why do they make bikinis in that size??????????
Thats just wrong
Good point...I am sick of seeing horirbly oversized people wear horribly undersized clothing. Perhaps a blog entry may come of this.
Priceless: "It looked like a single raisin in a loaf of bread."
Now Avi..... There are plenty of plus size women in your family
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