******LET IT BE KNOWN******

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

A long overdue apology

During my life I have no doubt pissed off a lot of people, and have made more apologies than I care to remember. In my own defense, I would like to think that I have made as many, if not more people smile than frown, which is no excuse for my actions, but it does kind of vindicate me...at least it does in my mind. Accordingly, there is an apology I must make that is long overdue.

You see...I am a murderer. A killer. I have killed hundreds, perhaps thousands in my day and now I am finally prepared to get it off my chest. I AM AN ANT KILLER!!!

At first It started as a game. Stepping on ants one by one. The stepping became stomping. Single ants became entire colonies, and I found myself going out of my way to torture and kill ants. It was my goal to eliminate the ants from the planet. I don't know what it was or why I did it, but looking back...it was a sick thing. I mean these ants have families and friends, and I just stepped on them as if I was g-d.

Can you imagine if someone out there stepped on us on a whim? Here we are going about our day....working, trying to do good, and then CRUNCH.

It's a shitty way to go! I think what made me think of this was seeing some little kid stomping on ants the other day as I was outside. I felt like shaking the little bastard....but I fought the urge. I mean why don't his parents explain to him that life, all life, whether ant or human is precious and should not be mistreated. I know it's only ants, but perhaps if everyone started treating things a little better, it would have a great and long lasting effect.

So I obviously avoid killing ants and I am very aware of the ground I am walking on. Next time you are out take a look down and observe...it's actually really cool. Ants are great. We can learn a lot from them. They work hard, work together, and all in the face of imminent death. So again, sorry to all the generations of ants I have killed. I was young and immature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Was" young and immature? No no, dear Avi, "am" was the correct word.