You are in my generation if:
You remember when computers were not in every home, when frogger and paper boy were the shit, playing the Oregon Trail on a computer at school. When your dads cell phone was the size of a VCR (you of course know what a VCR is), when you thought your grand father's members only jacket was all that and a bag of razzles, or perhaps bonkers depending on your choice. You remember when the energizer bunny first made it on the scene. When Cheers and the Cosby show monopolized your Thursday evenings. When you came home from school and went outside and made your own games up. When your parents could give you ten bucks and you could make it last forever. You remember the DARE program in school, when the challenger exploded while you were watching it. When you went to school and your biggest worries were superficial and had nothing to do with guns or violence. You used walkie talkies with your friends. You could buy a piece of bazooka gum for 5 cents...swedish fish for 1 cent...and a coke for 50 cents. You wished ALF would come to your birthday party, you owned GI Joes and/or My Little Ponies, and you always wanted to go on double dare. You definitely ate your meals with your family. You had a paper route. You were scared to try pop rocks while drinking a soda.

Freddy Kruger scared the shit out of you. Kathy Ireland was the most gorgeous woman in the world. You owned or at least wanted to own a starter jacket, gerboud jeans (pegged at the bottom) and a champion sweatshirt. You wore adidas samba classics. You remember Larry Bird. you remember when no teams in Boston ever won anything. You remember when Michael Jackson was (a) black (b) your idol and (c) the fucking man. You saw Mike Tyson knock people out in under 30 seconds. You definitely had Tab soda. You made shrinky dinks in the oven, designed t-shirts with puffy paint, drew pictures with your etcha-sketch, ate fruit roll-ups, and potentially mouser-cized.
You owned a Madonna album, you received or gave out music singles at a bar/bat-mitzvah, as well as t-shirts or boxer shorts that have not so witty comments on them. Romper-room was a TV show and not a room for slow kids in the basement of your school. Gym teachers could yell at you, let you fight, and potentially beat the shit out of you with out fearing bureaucratic punishment. Roger Rabbit was the most revolutionary cinematic achievement of all time (and you got a boner from Jessica Rabbit...don't you dare fucking deny it).
Ohhhh man there is obviously more and I could go on forever, but if you know about these then we are on the same page. I can't think of any good ideas for names, but if you have any clever suggestions for a generation tag line, and of course more memories.....send them along!
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Children of the 80s
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