In a recent conversation with a friend about her decision to not purchase a hybrid vehicle a few things dawned on me.
While I would have understood and been sympathetic to a concern about the usually higher price tag on such vehicles....in this case price was not an issue. At least not directly. Her concern was that it wasn't a good economical decision. The money she would save on gas really didn't add up to the money she would have to spend on the vehicle being hybrid.
Now here is my issue. At what point can we stop thinking all about ourselves for one second, and actually do something to help? She was right...buying a hybrid probably won't allow you to realize any savings economically...but how about the fact that you are using a more fuel efficient vehicle? Does that not mean anything?

I have officially had it with the excuses that people come up with why they can't/won't do their part to become a bit more environmentally conscious. At first I thought some of them were sincere, but I have since realized their contradictions and now I am able to see them for exactly what they are....just plain apathetic!
The fact is...excuses don't fly any more. Rich, Poor, White, Black, Male, Female....it doesn't matter. It is so easy to make small steps. I'm not saying everyone who doesn't buy a hybrid is a failure...but what I am saying is that if people continue rationalizing their apathy and hiding behind excuses for not making changes....then not only do they fail...but WE ALL FAIL!
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