In case you are a moron and have no idea what this proposal is please allow me to explain....
So the gas prices are getting a tad high...and by a tad high I mean fucking outrageous...accordingly a few of the Presidential front-runners have taken the affirmative stance of offering to cut the roughly $.18 cents a gallon gas tax for the summer months. Proponents are claiming that this would ease the burden of high gas prices and will help put a little extra cash in our pockets. Brilliant! For a recent CNN article click here.
So while the politicians may be correct in stating that the tax break would lighten the price of gas...they have failed to describe what the tax break doesn't do. First of all, it doesn't explain the other tax ramifications. While you are not likely a political scientist nor an economist you should nonetheless understand that if the Government gives a tax b
reak on something they are clearly going to increase taxes on something else to ensure a break even. While this may not directly effect the average consumer...it is still deceptive because this tax break is merely a tool to increase other taxes. But bigger than this, more important than this, and most essential of all is that this tax break does nothing to actually resolve the real problem....which is our dependency on foreign oil.

Obama has taken a stance...a brave one at that and he should be commended for his reluctance on taking the road easily travelled. Instead, he stood his ground and made his best efforts to explain why this tax is nothing but a slap in the face to Americans. What Americans need to realize is that this is a mere band-aid, and while yes it may save us a few bucks here and there on our fill-ups....we need to change our ways.
Talk about condescension. It's almost as if politicians believe we can be shut up for $.18 on every gallon we buy....Can we??? I certainly cannot...nor should you. If gas wasn't so expensive then this gas tax would not even be an issue. We should allocate the gas tax to researching and developing new technologies for efficiency and to initiate the development of renewable energy sources. We should tax the gas companies and not the consumers...we should give incentives to those socially responsible enough to want to make changes. We should not reward greed and control. This is or at least was arguably the greatest nation in the world....why are we still using the same energy source we did 100 years ago? We have evolved, our world has evolved, our technologies have evolved, as have our economies...isn't it time that the fuel driving this great American engine change as well???
Do something about it!
dont forget - lower price from tax cut leads to higher demand, which will cut supply which will put price right back up again anyway...
Perhaps we could research the alternative fuel of using Avi's hot air or wind to power our enormous SUVs...
Or maybe we could convince the rest of the world to grow corn for ethanol for fuel instead of rice to feed people so that all the poor people die... then who would make our Nike's and all the lead filled crap we buy at Walmart and Target?
Seriously, I tend to disagree with you Avi, because you are obnoxious AND from Boston, but on this point, I agree, so keep blowing brother, and power this nation of ours with your wind.
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