******LET IT BE KNOWN******

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Arlen Specter: Distinguished Senator, Dedicated Public Servant...Definite Douche Bag!

I want to preface this entry by stating that I have done my best to avoid writing about sports. While I could easily rant about the strengths and weaknesses of the Red Sox, and the recent road woes of the Boston Celtics...I have decided to focus on more poignant and topical issues.(see "Everyone farts at work")
BUT ALAS...the pontificating, paleolithic Senator from the pathetic state of Pennsylvania has left me with no alternative.
As you may recall, last fall after a Patriots romping of the feeble NY Football Jets, their "coach" ( I use parenthesis because he has done nothing but consistently lose, which if you ask me doesn't sound like much of a coach) Eric Mangini, reported the Patriots to the league office for video taping and recording the opposing teams defensive calls. For those of you unfamiliar with this you can get a decent Wikipedia briefing of it here:"spy gate"As a result, the Patriots were fined and penalized to the full extent of the rules and regulations of the NFL, and most recently had a disgruntled ex-employee, Matt Walsh claim that he had videos exposing further misconducts by the Patriots. This week Walsh submitted videos to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for evaluation, and yesterday Goodell completely dismissed the allegations that there were "other" videos of game day preparations before playoff and Superbowl games. Goodell stated that "the fundamental information that [Matt] provided was consistent with what [we] disciplined the Patriots for last fall." Case closed. Problem solved. Right?
Well yes...except of course for Sen. Arlen Specter who is apparently yielding a major hard-on for the New England Patriots and wants to initiate a Congressional investigation. hahahahaha. Are you kidding me? Congress? Sure. They have nothing better to do than watch NFL videos. I'm sure glad there isn't a recession, war, health insurance crisis, and environmental catastrophe that they could be dealing with. Wait? What's almost as hilarious as Specter's political record were his comments today about the investigation. He stated that "after a lot of consideration it's [my] judgment that there ought to be an impartial investigation, like the [steroids] investigation that baseball had with former Sen. George Mitchell." So was he watching the same Congressional hearings I was watching? And did he say impartial? Yeah he did...what could be more impartial than a Senator from the state where both of its teams (Eagles and Steelers) have been unable to beat the Patriots when it counts. And I am certain that the fact that one of his biggest campaign supporters, Comcast, who is in the midst of an enormous lawsuit filed by the NFL (FCC complaint) makes him completely impartial. What a douche bag!

Spy gate is a dead issue. The Patriots have been punished severely, and now other teams who undoubtedly use similar tactics are now on notice that such actions will not be tolerated. Specter is wasting his time, our time, and most importantly the Government's time AND money. Why can't we get our politicians to feel so passionately about real issues? I mean why is it that the justice system is so backed up that murderers and rapists may not see the inside of a court room for years, but athletes using steroids or football teams attempting to achieve competitive advantages skip the court room and go directly before Congress? Something is seriously wrong!
*Ironically enough for the video tape that were provided the Patriots had a 3-3 record yet since the 2001 season they have a record of 97-27.


Anonymous said...

your blog is such shit

Anonymous said...

ive seen better web si tes.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the country is going to poop and Spector is STILL pushing for more probes?
This is why the Republicans are going to REALLY lose the Senate and the House.
