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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hamas TV: Spreading The Truth

Today is Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and Hamas wanted to make sure that we all knew the truth about what really happened 60 years ago across Europe. Thank goodness...because I was confused and thought that something was a bit fishy here.

Once again, our good old friends at Hamas TV have compiled a fact based documentary explaining the realities of the Holocaust. That's right..."Satanic Jews' planned and perpetrated the Holocaust. OF COURSE THEY DID!!!! Why was I so blind???

So the article I read, which can be found by clicking the following link Satanic Jews, goes on to describe that Al-Aqsa TV aired a documentary explaining that the Jews invented the holocaust in order to "rid the nation of the 'burden' of the weak and disabled." Well, I must admit this was a revelation to me. I was under the impression that the Holocaust was made up and never happened, and here they are actually acknowledging that it existed AND letting us know how and why it happened. Again...thank you Hamas!

The video claims that Jews blamed the Nazi's for the events so they could benefit from "international sympathy." Boy did it work.....I mean everyone loves Jews. Brilliant plan!

Lastly, and what stuck out most to me was when Hamas, utilizing top secret information, explains that the figure of 6 million dead Jews is fictitious and nothing more than Jew propaganda. I can always count on Hamas to provide accurate, timely, unbiased reporting....they put CNN to shame.

While I am never amazed that this type of rhetoric and shit is actually being spread throughout the world, I still feel great disappointment. At least we can see through their false claims and rise above their lies. Today of all days we should stop and think about the tragedy and make sure it never happens again.

If you want to see the documentary, they were kind enough to post it on you tube...check it out here Hamas TV.


Anonymous said...

Not coincidentally, Hamas also believes that the world is flat.

Anonymous said...

Fuck those arab pieces of shit. Die motherfuckers die.

Avi L. Liss, Esq said...

While I appreciate your reading and commenting, and of course appreciate your anger with the current situation in the middle east.....generalizing arabs as pieces of shit and wishing death upon them....or anybody for that matter is not called for. There are better ways to express your dissatisfaction. I have found that articulating yourself and using fact based arguments is always the most effective method.
Keep reading!

Kevin said...

I agree with Avi here. While I'm not down with al queda or the views of Hamas, you really can't pain the Arab world with one brush stroke.

Anonymous said...

i think they would need several brush strokes to experience pain, Kevin.